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Victory Road

OK world, I'm headed to Victory Road, but not with augmented reality and Pocket Monsters Go, I'm going to engage my Father, the Son of Man, in a marathon of prayer, meditation and reading the Word. This will be super-reality. So bye for now, probably until I fall asleep around 11, because I just gave away the last of my cigarettes and my lighter. Moreover, I have decided that not only do I hate those vestiges of evil, but the pharmaceutical drug street seeking and sneaking the Xanax out that they administer me from the med room has to stop as well. Although I may have 66+ days clean and sober off of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin and alcohol, I'm abdicating that tyrannical throne because I wasn't working an honest program. I'm starting over and tomorrow will be day one, because I snuck a prescribed alprazolam out of the med room 4 1/2 hours ago. Jesus and I are going to have a talk that'll take about that long, and it'll even include what music I listen to, the evil looking band shirts that I own that are mentioned in the Bible - I Thessalonians 5:22 "Abstain from all appearance of evil" - and my addiction to sugar; specifically in the coffee of which I drink too much. My little brother is about to become my legal guardian, and he and I will put abundant focus on my physical health, since it is developing into a moderate concern; weight, airways and this brand new tingling in my left ear. Therefore, smoking tobacco, drinking copious quantities of bean caffeine riddled with sucrose, eating giant honey buns after 2am and obsessively/illegally/sublingually ingesting benzodiazepines not as prescribed, would logically hamper any prosperity or at least progress that The Good Lord, Andrew Micheal and I could make in any reasonable duration of that illusion we call time. Again I petition for all of your prayers, thoughts and vibes, should you value me, Drew or his business in the least. ‪#‎ElHefe‬ I know this will be a success if God says the same, and with the prayers of all of my Elect friends and family - plus judging by my transparency, abstention from everything else aforementioned and character defects transmuting into fruit of the Spirit - nothing can stop us. I certainly have adamant confidence that I won't stop myself, and it's so unbreakable that it could dismember Wolverine's claws and skeleton. On THAT note, I'll tend to the previously mentioned healing factor - my "time on bended knee" before His Great White Throne, and without further ado, bid you all adieu. Sweet dreams, be safe and Jesus bless. =D

1432 W Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050

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