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Seeking Surrender II

Sent this to a person who's in my life for a reason. All names are changed:

"Prayer and meditation for the last hour. Been progress. Probably not going to detox, like (a mentor) suggested. Interview at 7/11 at 11am. Brother, it's my duty to you, my daughter, myself, (manager), (owner), and (other manager), as well as anyone in the future I could disciple, to stay obedient to the L-RD. He's been in my ear more than ever before, lately, and all I can do about it at this point is throw my hands up and lay the pipe down. (Their name) bro look man there will come a time when you look at God and He asks you where you've been. You wanna tell Him you spent the better part of your life revelling in Satan's dimly-lit, funky, grimy ballroom? I've personally got no desire to remain in this state of disorder. I refuse to perpetuate it, at least within me and in my doings. Proverbs says a man can't truly know the nature of his own goings-on. But we can know God's nature and that's goodness but not without severity. You used to spend time with your daughter (her name) and when she got out of line did you just sit there and bless her? You disciplined her. Shoot, you discipline me! (This person's name) you HAVE THE NATURE OF G-D IN YOUR HEART. IN YOUR MIND. IN YOUR BLOOD."

"Can't you see there is more to an anointed, called man's life than buying and selling drugs and banging women and talking about other people when they're not there? Like do you expect to not just get messed up over and over again, for the next 5-20 years, bro? No? Then LISTEN TO G-D'S VOICE. I know you hear it. You don't love God. Neither do I. If I loved God, if you loved Jesus, don't you think we would obey Him? Can I - can you - can anyone we surround ourselves with besides maybe (owner's son) or (owner) or people at church maybe (12 Step) meetings, can ANY OF THESE PEOPLE really REALLY say they love G-D? Who's obeying Him? Are you? Hebrews Chapter 11-13 are about faith. Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Things not seen are ETERNAL. Things we see won't last. None of it. No one truly does good. You. Me. Coach (pastor's name) from Maywood. None have done good, no not one. Even Jesus Himself asked someone, "Why do you call me good? Only the Father is good". We can't be good. We gotta learn to deal with that fact, but we CAN be OBEDIENT. Obedient but not profitable servants of God, the Most High. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? Salvation for anyone we can reach and sanctification for us as well."

"Jesus was obedient to death. I won't even go a week without meth. Sure God's not mad at us for using. However he's certainly not fully pleased or moved to bless us. Take us out our indigence. Our dark matter and hellish inside conditions. What reality am I avoiding?"

"Well, instead of illegal or questionable or any other type of mind-altering substance - those I have recently been in constant prayer for removal root and branch, dependency and addiction thereof - I want G-D's substance!! FAITH!! The SUBSTANCE of my CERTAIN HOPE IN CHRIST. I KNOW He will keep His promise from the Word, Psalm 37:4, 'Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.' So my desire is to know my daughter, have her know me, and one moment at a time build the type of dream-life that an obedient and successful man can have! I will not go out like another wanton, raving, asinine statistic! The probability is against us, my man! Let's wage war tonight! Tomorrow!! We're not going out like that! Polemic and anemic! No! We want Christ's promises fulfilled in us through our faith and works, our OBEDIENCE!"


1432 W Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050

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