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Dre and Chenennigans

Names have been changed, to protect yours and my best interests. Since the newest prospects for Awakening Arts & Entertainment are currently unlocked in, they shall remain semi-anonymous. It is as if this organization is the principle opposite of the 12 Step ones, but maintains the same general view on sobriety.

Anyway, these two up-and-comers are, however, locked in for an interview. The female has a couple degrees from a prestigious community college - way more than this CEO has claimed at the ripe young age of trente-uno, and the gentleman is truly crazy smaht. His patience with the wayward guys that find his girlfriend, but not discretion, appealing; is appealing in and of itself.

All of this being said, anyone would find it ultra exciting and I am compelled to be straightforward candid about my elation to become involved in these person's lives; let alone have them become internally herein inclusive. I have honestly hanged out with these two only even fewer than a handful of times, but nevertheless the conversation - singular, per each one - that we have had; greatly endears me to both.

Look for sparks and consider this a rainbow of promise that God will move in this organization. It is untold whether these two promising young talents will fully be engaged with AA&E, yet somehow only the absolute power of their input blindly blares a city on a hill's lights to disarm any demons that thought they could shake its foundation in love.


1432 W Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050

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